Monday, October 6, 2008

Not just another ordinary day

So today was a pretty good day. Nothing too out of the ordinary happened, however ordinary seems to be a relative term these days because I have to be ready for anything it seems like. I wasn't so thrilled about waking up this morning but once I got to school my students just brightened up my day so much. It wasn't necessarily particular things they did but just being together seemed to be fun. Teaching them was really fun today because they actually seemed interested and we laughed and had a great time teaching and learning together. Tomorrow we are watching Finding Nemo for science class because we are studying amphibians, reptiles, fish, etc. I am also looking into getting a class goldfish so we can further our interest in fish and also because it would be pretty much amazing to have a class fish. I'm going tomorrow to see if I can find one at the store. If not I will just have to truck myself down to the ocean and go fish for one myself. :-D

I must say that what totally transformed my day from just another "ordinary" day to an amazing day was when I went to the office and found that I had a package and a card from my mom. I quickly opened the card and found that not just she, but all of my Worthington, OH friends and family had signed the card too! I was truly, no joke, brought to tears just standing there in the office. It feels so nice to be thought of. So for that...all of you who wrote in that card, I truly from the bottom of my pea-pickin heart thank you. :-D

Tonight, the plans are to play a rousing game of volleyball and to continue the never-ending process of grading.

Hope this finds everyone well. Until next time....:-D

1 comment:

Karen Sciulli said...

I'm so glad you got the card. I had fun getting people to write in it and they all, of course, were thrilled to do it. I was hoping you would enjoy getting it. Love you!